I am running some python code where some code needs gcc compilation (dont ask me I dont have a clue). I was getting the error that gcc not recognised. I installed Mingw and gcc compiler, so that was sorted. But now the assembler is creating a very large file name and getting into error. see the error below:
Assembler messages: Fatal error: can't create c:\users\kd1234\appdata\local\temp\scipy-as07487-7op0cx\python27_intermediate\compiler_6cb9c52cab22cd58c3b2a33f029b68476828f4189dc8dd305efd20ec06666d43\Release\users\as07487\appdata\local\temp\kd1234\python27_compiled\sc_ed5391b748bc47781f90305835197df10c5f33c0bbba9a3f5660ab3c277c2b50657.o: No such file or directory
I looked at it and it looks like this file name generated by the compiler is too large for windows thus cant create it and getting into error.Has anyone got some idea how to sort this one out!
That path length is 290 characters, which does indeed exceed the limit of 260 characters imposed by most Windows APIs.
Part of the path bloat appears to be due to %TEMP%; try setting %TEMP% to C:\ before running the script and see if that makes it work.