It's possible that the answer to this question may just be standard bug tracking software like jira or fogbugz, but I'm kind of hoping someone out there knows a better system for what I'm describing.
My most current project is requiring a lot of setup quirkiness to get into a position where I can actually start a coding section. For example:
Individually none of these things is a huge deal, and I've written extensive notes to myself regarding exact commands and aditions I've made, but they're currently in a general text document and it's going to be hard to remember exactly where what I need is far down the line. We also have several new staff starting soon and I' rather give them an easier time of setting up their programming environments.
Like I said, they aren't 'programming quirks' exactly, but just the constant fiddling that comes about before programming starts in earnest. Any thoughts on the best way to documents these things for my own and future generations sanity?
We use a wiki to host instructions like this. Makes it easy to have everyone know a common place to access the information and keep it up to date if things change in the steps.
If there are parts that can be automated that is a good idea but we always create a page for the development environment setup if it requires non standard setup that someone will have to repeat.