What exactly is the difference between Semantic Web and Natural Language Processing?
Is Semantic Web a part of Natural Language Processing?
These are two separate subject areas but they do overlap in some places. Because documents, regardless of their format are made up of heterogeneous syntax and semantics, the goal is to represent information that is understandable to a machine and not just a human being. This is a common goal of the Semantic Web and Natural Language Processing.
Semantic Web
The semantic web is based on two fundamental ideas:
The use of ontologies is becoming evermore important in this domain. Description Logic provides the mathematical foundation for knowledge representation systems and can be used to reason with the information.
Natural Language Processing
Whereas Natural Language Processing is an important and ongoing research area in theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence, it can look beyond the web and process anything from text in PDFs to speaking to your phone. Wikipedia has highlighted some of the key areas which I will expand on:
Both subject areas have been heavily researched into the syntactics of language, both research fields aim to understand language, notably text. However, in recent times the use of semantics has had a lot of time and investment put into it. But in essence, how to represent relationships in text and miscellaneous structures is a top priority of both fields of thought.
Semantic Web is mostly annotated with RDF, OWL, etc., whereas NLP really focuses on freeform Text.