Search code examples

Subdomain as part of REQUEST_URI

I have a local site: http://domain.loc/ and that site have subdomain: http://sub.domain.loc/. How can I configure my Apache server || PHP to make him return global variable: $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] with my subdomain name ("sub" in this case)?


If I'll open the page http://domain.loc/ then $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] will be equal to /
If I'll open the page http://sub.domain.loc/ then $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] will be equal to /sub/


  • Not possible. REQUEST_URI is what comes AFTER the hostname component of a url:
               ^--- HTTP_HOST
                        ^---- REQUEST_URI

    You can certainly have your subdomain name in the URI component, but that's something YOU have to do, and something Apache+PHP won't. They're not going to rewrite fundamental definitions of URLs just to suit you.