I created a launcher by right-clicking on my Desktop, filled in the fields and saved it. But it didn't appear on my Desktop. So I opened Caja and it did not show there either. So I opened a terminal and did ll
and it is in the list. I counted all the files and indeed there was one more in the terminal list than there was in the Caja list.
So I did mv xxx.desktop FolderA
in the terminal window and then opened FolderA with Caja and the file showed there. Then I drug its icon from the Caja window to my Desktop and then it was really there in all views.
This has happened twice tonight.
Is this a bug? What am I missing?
EDIT: moved this question to http://unix.stackexchange.com ...
Hitting F5 to refresh the Desktop causes the missing icon to appear.
I think this is still a bug though.