I want to merge cells using POI in java. I have a input sheet which has merged cells.
First I have to get all the merged cells form that sheet. Then I have to create a new with similarly merged cells.
I got merged cells by method getNumMergedRegions()
Which gave me these values:
A56:A64=9, A65:A73=9, A2:A8=7, A49:A55=7, A20:A26=7, A9:A19=11, A43:A48=6, A27:A42=16
. Now, I want to create a new sheet and want cell merged based on these values. OR can any one help me with any other way using JXL api
You can use the CellReference to parse the required String, here is a example:
String[] cellStrings = "A2:A8".split(":");
CellReference start = new CellReference(cellStrings[0]);
CellReference end = new CellReference(cellStrings[1]);
CellRangeAddress address = new CellRangeAddress(start.getRow(),
end.getRow(), start.getCol(), end.getCol());
This should output:
org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellRangeAddress [A2:A8]
Then you can use addMergedRegion from your HSSFSheet instance.