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Non-WSDL php call

I'm new to php and looking to integrate a website with some rental software. They use non-WSDL mode services and have supplied this piece of code but I'm a bit confused about the "this-is-the-action-uri". My guess is that's a method I need to call.

    $client = new SoapClient(NULL, array(
    'location' => '21.ip2.ip3.ip4/r2ws_v5/servlet/messagerouter',
    'uri' => 'urn:this-is-the-action-uri',
    'exceptions' => 1,

I can call this and get a response.


The reposnse starts like this.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ns1:getAvailabilityByItemResponse xmlns:ns1="UBS/R2" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
<productID xsi:type="xsd:string">TESTUB</productID>
<level xsi:type="xsd:int">1</level>
<description xsi:type="xsd:string">
<![CDATA[ testub ]]>

Can you give me any idea of what the 'uri' parameter should be in this case or how it should be formatted?


  • Hi just create a PHP file and put below code into your PHP file.

    $xmlRequest = "<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">" .
        "<SOAP:Body>" .
        "<getAvailabilityByItem xmlns=\"UBS/R2WebServices/AvailabilityService\">" .
            "<request>" .
                "<detail xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">0</detail>" .
                    "<product>" .
                        "<type xsi:type=\"xsd:int\">0</type>" .
                        "<productID xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"><![CDATA[DE014SML]]></productID>" .
                        "<startDate xsi:type=\"xsd:date\">12/07/2014</startDate>" .
                        "<startTime xsi:type=\"xsd:timeInstant\">8:00 AM</startTime>" .
                        "<endDate xsi:type=\"xsd:date\">12/08/2014</endDate>" .
                        "<endTime xsi:type=\"xsd:timeInstant\">12:00 PM</endTime>" .
                "</products>" .
            "</request>" .
        "</getAvailabilityByItem>" .
        "</SOAP:Body>" .
        "</SOAP:Envelope>" ;
    $location_URL = 'http://21.ip2.ip3.ip4/r2ws_v5/servlet/messagerouter';
    $client = new SoapClient(null, array(
    'location' => $location_URL,
    'uri' => "",
    'trace' => 1,
    $order_return = $client->__doRequest($xmlRequest, $location_URL, '' , 1);

    Hope you found the solution ;)