In one of my webpage I print one button multiple times and all have different logId. I want that when user click then there will JQuery into the picture and there should be no server side post-back. Since a unique log id is associated with every button so I pass the information to JS file from *.Module as below when the button is clicked:-
*.module File -- PHP File
$thm_button .= '<input type="button" class="clsPrevious" id="btnPrev_'.$user->uid.'_'.$logid;>';
*.js File
$('.clsPrevious', context).click(function (event) {
//Retrieve log Id and Process the log id using AJAX call
This is working fine here but I feel there is security concern as everyone can view the log id of the button in HTML source.
Are there any ways in Drupal/PHP/HTML to pass the sensitive information to JS without showing in HTML Viewer.
You can pass values from PHP to Javascript with "Drupal.settings".
Read more about it here.
You can create a input button which looks something like this.
$thm_button .= '<input type="button" class="clsPrevious" data-myModule=" . $key . ">;
where $key
is a random/serial variable but is unique per Log ID.
Create a mapping array of key value pair and pass to javasript using drupal_add_js()
drupal_add_js(array('myModule' => array('_YOUR_CUSTOM_KEY_1_' => '_LOG_ID_1_')), 'setting');
And now modify your click function to,
$('.clsPrevious', context).click(function (event) {
var key = $(this).attr("data-myModule");
// Now a this point you have the lookup table in Drupal.settings.myModule
// use the "key" variable to find the LOG ID