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How to create a windows batch file that combines all *NAD.TXT recursively within each directory?

I have a group of directories, and within those directories a have some files that end in *NAD.TXT. I need to combine, or copy together, all *NAD.TXT files within each directory to a file called COMBINED_NAD.TXT in each of the directories. Basically, so it combines those files and creates it in the same directory, and then recurses to the next one. Thanks for the help.


  • for /d /r %%a in (*) do (
        del "%%~fa\COMBINED_NAD.TXT" >nul 2>nul 
        copy /b "%%~fa\*NAD.TXT" "%%~fa\COMBINED_NAD.TMP"

    For each directory, recursively :

    • If the target file exists, remove it

    • Combine all the source files into target. .tmp extension ensures the target file will not be processed as a source file

    • Rename the target file to final name