How to retrieve all organisation units in a google apps domain using google client library ? Which function we need to use to retrive the OrgUnits in google client library ?
I didn't find any documentation on gdata-python-client site
def create_service():
f = file(API_DATA["SERVICE_PEM_PATH"], 'rb')
key =
credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(API_DATA["SERVICE_EMAIL"], key, scope=API_DATA["DIRECTORY_SCOPES"], sub=API_DATA["ADMIN_EMAIL"])
http = httplib2.Http()
http = credentials.authorize(http)
service = build("admin", "directory_v1", http=http)
return service
directory = create_service()
# directory.RetrieveAllOrganizationUsers() -- Function to retrieve Org Units ??
There is an API method dedicated to this : orgunits.list
The reference documentation is here.
The Python library documentation is here.
I am not an expert in python, but I expect the call to look like this :
By the was this is not a GData API, that's why you did not find info there. GData is the name of the old format of APIs, that Google is progressively deprecating.