I'm making a program that checks for a Palindrome using recursive syntax. Unfortunately, it continues generating a run-time error saying "stackOverFlow error" and although I've done researching I can't seem to understand as to why its occurring. This is the method that is currently undergoing repair.
public static void check(String s, int n)
String s1 = s;
if(s.length() < 1)
System.out.println("This is always a palindrome");
ans = true;
else if(s.length() > 1)
if(s.charAt(n-1) == s1.charAt(n-1))
ans = true;
ans = false;
check(s, n);
if(ans == true)
System.out.println("This is a palindrome!");
System.out.println("This isn't a palindrome!");
Complementing Ransom's point, the comparison
s.charAt(n-1) == s1.charAt(n-1)
will always return true.
Try to construct the recursive algorithm like this:
// insert code: if length is 0 or 1, always return true;
if(s.chatAt(0) == s.charAt(s.length-1))
return check(s.subString(1,length-1))
The key points are:
For a recursive algorithm, you cannot put exactly the same function within it self with the same parameters like
This will result in overflow;