Agda makes use of the following operator to show inverses between sets:
_↔_ : ∀ {f t} → Set f → Set t → Set _
Is there an equivalent in Idris? I'm trying to define bag equality on lists
data Elem : a -> List a -> Type where
Here : {xs : List a} -> Elem x (x :: xs)
There : {xs : List a} -> Elem x xs -> Elem x (y :: xs)
(~~) : List a -> List a -> Type
xs ~~ ys {a} = Elem a xs <-> Elem a ys
So that we can construct l1 ~~ l2
when l1
and l2
have the same elements in any order.
The Agda definition of ↔
seems to be very complicated and I am not sure if there is something equivalent in the Idris standard library.
The basic idea behind Agda's ↔
is to package up two functions with two proofs of roundtripping, which is easy enough to do in Idris as well:
infix 7 ~~
data (~~) : Type -> Type -> Type where
MkIso : {A : Type} -> {B : Type} ->
(to : A -> B) -> (from : B -> A) ->
(fromTo : (x : A) -> from (to x) = x) ->
(toFrom : (y : B) -> to (from y) = y) ->
A ~~ B
You can use it like in the following minimal example:
notNot : Bool ~~ Bool
notNot = MkIso not not prf prf
prf : (x : Bool) -> not (not x) = x
prf True = Refl
prf False = Refl
The reason the Agda version is more complicated is because it is parameterized over the choice of equality as well, so it doesn't have to be the propositional one (which is the strictest/finest there is). Parameterizing the Idris definition of ~~
above from =
to arbitrary PA : A -> A -> Type
and PB : B -> B -> Type
is left as an exercise to the reader.