This question may have a bit of philosophical aspect to it.
I have been using Deadbolt 2 (Scala) in my Play application and it works quite well.
In looking at the Restrict function definition (line 47) I noticed that it will invoke the onAuthFailure for one of the following reasons:
In my application UI, I would like to receive a different status code for each of these so that a user that is not logged in (condition 1) will be redirected to login page but condition 3 would be more gracefully handled by just a warning (since they can do no harm anyway and might have accidentally tried to edit when they have 'read-only' access - perhaps a UI bug, but logging in again is a bit draconian).
If I had to settle for just 2 status codes, however, I would want to differentiate between 1 and the other 2. I can see how this could be accomplished but would like to get other opinions on the merits of even doing this.
If I were to implement this change, it looks like I could just override the Restrict function in my own extension of the DeadboltActions trait.
I'm a little new to scala, so I'm open to additional ideas on how to best accomplish these goals.
I decided to just add the code to differentiate between condition 1 and either 2 or 3 as follows:
In MyDeadboltHandler:
class MyDeadboltHandler(dynamicResourceHandler: Option[DynamicResourceHandler] = None) extends DeadboltHandler {
def onAuthFailure[A](request: Request[A]): Result = {
Logger.error("authentication failure")
val json = new JsonStatus("Failed to authenticate", -1).toJson.toString
Results.Forbidden(json).withHeaders("Access-Control-Allow-Origin" -> "*")
Results.Unauthorized (json).withHeaders("Access-Control-Allow-Origin" -> "*")
def noUserInSession(request:RequestHeader) = {
username(request) match {
case Some(u:String) => false
case _ => true
This works well for me and does not impose upon the basic Deadbolt-2 functionality.