I am struggling with transfering additional command line arguments to celery task. I can set the desired attribute in bootstep
however the same attribute is emtpy when accessed directly from task (I guess it gets overriden)
class Arguments(bootsteps.Step):
def __init__(self, worker, environment, **options):
ArgumentTask.args = {'environment': environment}
# this works
print ArgumentTask.args
Here is the custom task
class ArgumentTask(Task):
abstract = True
_args = {}
def args(self):
return self._args
def args(self, value):
And actual task
@celery.task(base = ArgumentTask, bind = True, name = 'jobs.send')
def send(self):
# this prints empty dictionary
print self.args
Do I need to use some additional persistence layer, eg. persistent objects or am I missing something really obvious?
It does not seem to be possible. The reason for that is that your task could be consumed anywhere by any consumer of the queue and each consumer having different command line parameters and therefore it's processing should not depend on workers configuration.
If your problem is to manage environment dev/prod this is the way we managed it in our project:
Each environment is jailed in it's venv having a configuration so that the project is self aware of it's environment(in our case it's just db links in configuration that changes). And each environment has its queues and celery workers launched with this command:
/path/venv/bin/celery worker -A async.myapp --workdir /path -E -n celery-name@server -Ofair
Hope it helped.
If you really want to dig hard on that, each task can access a .control
which allows to launch control operations on celery (like some monitoring). But I didn't find anything helpful there.