Just a question, on the use of const_iterator vs just iterator. More specifically with the use of distance(). Below is some basic code that just craps out a list of "fav_games" that the user enters (earlier in the application). I wanted to also crap out the 'index' of the vector so as to print out a numbered list.
Partial Code:
int main()
vector<string> fav_games;
vector<string>::const_iterator iter; // const_iterator no worky with "distance()"
if (fav_games.size() > 0) {
cout << "\n\nCurrent game list: \n";
for (iter = fav_games.begin(); iter != fav_games.end(); ++iter)
cout << distance(fav_games.begin(), iter) << ". " << *iter << endl;
return 0;
My question is why, "const_iterator" will not work, where I am forced to use "iterator" instead. Looking for the 'theory' behind it. "distance()" appears to expecting and "iterator" -- not "const_iterator". ..Why?
Just for reference the compile error if I use "const_iterator":
Error 1 error C2782: 'iterator_traits<_Iter>::difference_type std::distance(_InIt,_InIt)' : template parameter '_InIt' is ambiguous z:\micah\c++\favgames\favgames\favgames.cpp 49 1 favgames
Try this instead:
vector<string>::const_iterator b, iter, e;
if (fav_games.size() > 0) {
cout << "\n\nCurrent game list: \n";
for (b = fav_games.begin(), iter = b, e = fav_games.end(); iter != e; ++iter)
cout << distance(b, iter) << ". " << *iter << endl;
has no problem with two const_iterator
instances, or two iterator
instances. Your mistake was in mixing them.
Still, making O(n)
calls to distance
is crazy. Just use a counter:
vector<string>::const_iterator iter, e;
size_t i;
if (fav_games.size() > 0) {
cout << "\n\nCurrent game list: \n";
for (i = 0, iter = fav_games.begin(), e = fav_games.end(); iter != e; (++iter), (++i))
cout << i << ". " << *iter << endl;
In C++11 and later, one may of course go one step further and avoid explicit use of the iterators at all:
if (fav_games.size() > 0) {
int i = 0;
cout << "\n\nCurrent game list: \n";
for (const string& game : fav_games)
cout << (i++) << ". " << game << endl;