After setting
$ gpg --list-keys
pub rsa4096/46F257F2 2014-09-16 [expires: 2015-09-16]
uid [ultimate] Pablo Olmos de Aguilera Corradini (Personal) <>
And putting the info on gitconfig:
name = Pablo Olmos de Aguilera Corradini
email =
signinkey = 46F257F2
gpgsign = true
I get:
gpg: skipped "Pablo Olmos de Aguilera Corradini <>": No secret key
gpg: signing failed: No secret key
error: gpg failed to sign the data
fatal: failed to write commit object
As you can see the keys actually exists (they also appears when running gpg --list-secret-keys
). If I remove everything from gitconfig
, and try to do it only with -S
, I get the same error, which makes me think that git is passing my user name and email to gpg, and the uid
includes the "comment" (Personal)
, so it doesn't found any:
$ gpg --list-keys "Pablo Olmos de Aguilera Corradini <>"
gpg: error reading key: No public key
I'm not sure if this is a bug from git, or it is the expected result and I'm missing something :).
PS.- My guess is that I could create another uid
but without a comment, and it should work.
There is a typo in your gitconfig. Should be signingkey, not signinkey