This error message usually means that an instance property is being accessed from a static method. But in my case, none of the methods are static. If I remove the ":IDisposable" and the Dispose method, the error message goes away. But I want to be able to clean up database resources when I am done using the DbOps object. Why is this error occurring?
using System.Data.Entity;
namespace DbAccess
class DbAccess
public void PerformSomeWork()
using (DbOps dbOperations = new DbOps())
List<Person> people = DbOps.GetPeople();
// ... other database access
class DbOps : IDisposable
CustomerContext customerContext;
public DbOps()
customerContext = new CustomerContext();
public void Dispose()
public List<Person> GetPeople()
return customerContext.People.ToList();
// return new List<Category>();
// other database operations
class CustomerContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Person> People { get; set; }
// other DbSets
class Person
string name;
Seems like
using (DbOps dbOperations = new DbOps())
List<Person> people = DbOps.GetPeople();
should be
using (DbOps dbOperations = new DbOps())
List<Person> people = dbOperations.GetPeople();
IDisposable doesn't seem to be related but I imagine that when you remove the IDisposable you also change these lines since you can't have using without Dispose.