maybe someone can help me to transorm
I'm trying to get QuestionContent that are not in relation with theFaqPageQuestionContent by page_id and view it in the select box
SELECT q FROM VswSystemCmsBundle:QuestionContent q WHERE NOT IN
(SELECT fq.questioncontent_id FROM VswSystemCmsBundle:FaqPageQuestionContent fq WHERE fq.faqcontentpage_id = :page_id)
into QueryBuilder form to use it in the Sf2 forms.
Now that you clarified what you want to do, I would suggest using an 'entity' field type on your form that connects to your QuestionContent entity.
// don't forget the use statement for your repository up top
use Your\VswSystemCmsBundle\Repository\QuestionContentRepository;
// in buildForm() (this assumes you have $pageId set properly)
->add('questionContent', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'VswSystemCmsBundle:QuestionContent',
'property' => 'questionForForm',
'query_builder' => function(QuestionContentRepository $repo) use ($pageId) {
return $repo->findNotAttachedQuestions($pageId);
EDIT: Put your QueryBuilder in that entity's Repository and call it from there.
// this is Your\VswSystemCmsBundle\Repository\QuestionContentRepository class
public function findNotAttachedQuestions($pageId)
$subQuery = $this->createQuery("
SELECT fq.questioncontent_id
FROM VswSystemCmsBundle:FaqPageQuestionContent fq
WHERE fq.faqcontentpage_id = :page_id
->setParameter('page_id', $pageId)
return $this->createQueryBuilder('q')
->where($qb->expr()->notIn('', $subQuery))
Notice how I defined 'property' above to be questionForForm
? We need to add a getter function to your QuestionContent entity that returns the first 30 characters of the question.
// this is Your\VswSystemCmsBundle\Entity\QuestionContent class
public function getQuestionForForm()
return substr($this->getQuestion(), 0, 30);
Now everything is separated in the right place. You don't have to worry about converting your DQL to a Doctrine QueryBuilder instance, because you have it in the Repository and call it form there. You don't have to make a custom array to return your data for the select, and you now have a reusable function that returns the first 30 characters of the question, straight from the Entity.