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bash, bc modulo does not work with -l flag

So I am trying to use bc to calculate some logarithms but I also need to use it to calculate the modulus for something. Whilst making my script, I launched bc to test it.

Without any flags, bc <<< "3%5" of course returns 3.

But with bc -l (loads math library so I can compute logarithms) any calculation of a%b returns 0 where a and b can be any number but 0.

What's happening?


  • That's because, from the manual:

       expr % expr
              The result of the expression is the "remainder" and it  is  com‐
              puted  in  the following way.  To compute a%b, first a/b is com‐
              puted to scale digits.  That result is used to compute a-(a/b)*b
              to  the scale of the maximum of scale+scale(b) and scale(a).  If
              scale is set to zero and  both  expressions  are  integers  this
              expression is the integer remainder function.

    When you run bc with the -l flag, scale is set to 20. To fix this:

    bc -l <<< "oldscale=scale; scale=0; 3%5; scale=oldscale; l(2)"

    We first save scale in variable oldscale, then set scale to 0 to perform some arithmetic operations, and to compute a ln we set scale back to its old value. This will output:


    as wanted.