I've got a QGridLayout
filled with QTextBrowser's
I am getting access to them using itemAtPosition(i,j)
, so I can eg. change to background using widget()->setStyleSheet
Is there any way to change the text inside those fields?
Use setText() or append() to do this, but your way to get pointer is not very good. You should operate with original pointer. For example
QTextBrowser txt;
txt.append("example");//we just use object, we don't get this object from layout
QTextBrowser inherits QWidget, so you can use setStyleSheet() too.
About your current approach: of course you can cast your pointer to needed type using qobject_cast but try to use easier approach.
(qobject_cast<QTextBrowser*>(grid.itemAtPosition(0,0)->widget()))->append("example");//is it so beautiful?