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JessTab: Finding the youngest person in family ontology

I am using the [family ontology][1] to test Jess rules. Everything works fine unless manipulating data with Jess built-in functions e.g. min and max. I have designed the following rule:

(defrule print_people_min_age 
(object  ( ?a)) 
(printout t "Min age " (min ?a) crlf))

The rule compiles well, but I am not getting the desired output. It outputs me ages of each person in the ontology. I tried to put the min function in the LHS but it results in error.

[1]: Family Ontology


  • Functions (min <numeric-expresion>+) and (max <numeric-expresion>+) are meant to be applied to a number of arguments - you are calling it with just one argument. The rule fires once for each object, and the minimum of that single age is - that age.

    This rule illustrates how to find a minimum:

    (defrule print_people_min_age 
    (object  ( ?a1))
    (not (object ( ?a2&:(< ?a2 ?a1))))
    (printout t "Min age " ?a1 crlf))