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Access quality gate status from sonarqube api

My question:

I would like to obtain the current status of the quality gate for my projects in SonarQube via the SonarQube web api, but I do not see quality gate as an available metric in the documentation. What is the best way to access this information to include in a report?


I am using the SonarQube API to access information about project analyses. The output from the API is used to generate a weekly report. I can access the information about each project with the following SonarQube API call.


The metric list is populated from the SonarQube API documentation at

This gets me everything I want with the exception of the status of the quality gate.

What I've tried:

  • I have looked through the documentation for metrics at the above link, but failed to find quality gate status in that part of the api.
  • I have also looked at the quality gate API documented at - but the quality gate API seems to be used for creating and managing quality gates and project associations rather than obtaining the current status of the gate on a per-project basis.


  • You can retrieve what you want with the "quality_gate_details" metric. As an example on Nemo:

    [{"id":48569,"key":"org.codehaus.sonar:sonar","name":"SonarQube","scope":"PRJ","qualifier":"TRK","date":"2014-11-30T16:13:17+0000","creationDate":null,"lname":"SonarQube","version":"5.0-SNAPSHOT","description":"Open source platform for continuous inspection of code quality","msr":[{"key":"quality_gate_details","data":"{\"level\":\"ERROR\",\"conditions\":[{\"metric\":\"blocker_violations\",\"op\":\"GT\",\"error\":\"0\",\"actual\":\"3.0\",\"level\":\"ERROR\"},{\"metric\":\"critical_violations\",\"op\":\"GT\",\"error\":\"0\",\"actual\":\"15.0\",\"level\":\"ERROR\"},{\"metric\":\"test_failures\",\"op\":\"GT\",\"warning\":\"0\",\"error\":\"\",\"actual\":\"0.0\",\"level\":\"OK\"},{\"metric\":\"skipped_tests\",\"op\":\"GT\",\"warning\":\"0\",\"actual\":\"0.0\",\"level\":\"OK\"},{\"metric\":\"coverage\",\"op\":\"LT\",\"warning\":\"\",\"error\":\"80\",\"actual\":\"81.5\",\"level\":\"OK\"},{\"metric\":\"test_errors\",\"op\":\"GT\",\"warning\":\"0\",\"error\":\"\",\"actual\":\"0.0\",\"level\":\"OK\"},{\"metric\":\"sqale_effort_to_grade_a\",\"op\":\"GT\",\"warning\":\"\",\"error\":\"0\",\"actual\":\"0.0\",\"level\":\"OK\"}]}"}]}]

    For now, to get a full list of metrics, you can browse the "metrics" database table. Feel free to watch that should make the detailed list of metrics available directly on the SonarQube web interface.