I am trying to preview a layer in Geoserver that I have created from a shape file. I upload the shape file successfully and I see the layer in my Layers list. When I try to preview it using OpenLayers in the Layer Preview section, instead of the preview I get a download of a wms file which contains this: Could not find layer it.geosolutions:Grid working. Does anyone knows why I get this error?
Thanks D.
Afterall I figured out that the problem was related with the naming of the layer. When I created the layer I named it "grid" but then geoserver renamed it to: "grid20%working". When I was using Layer Preview I was getting this error:
Could not find layer it.geosolutions:Grid working
I guess geoserver couldn't read the name of the layer. The part "20%". When I changed the name of the layer everything worked fine.