One of the client's TYPO3 instance went to 1&1 provider... apparently FAL has problems with case of the filenames, cause when entering Filelist module I'm getting this exception: Exception/CMS/1314516809
I cannot change the case of files, cause for an example they follows the name convention of TYPO3, and/or they belongs to extensions from the TER (so shouldn't/cannot be changed)
How can I resolve this problem at 1&1 host?
Actually as usually in TYPO3 it's not a bug, it's a feature ;)
I updated Exception/CMS/1314516809 description, fast test showed that it occasionally also resolves other problems i.e.: missing files and/or records:
Check case sensitivity setting in File storage record
Most problems rises when you are migrating from case-insensitive to case-sensitive file system, or when auto-generated File Storage didn't recognize case-sensitivity correctly.
In such situation created File storage saves file identifiers with lower-case in DB and can't find files which has mixed case.
- Find all File Storages via module List on 'page zero' and on tab Configuration check the
Uses case sensitive identifiers checkbox.