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phpbb BBCode to HTML (regex or otherwise)

I'm in the process of migrating content from phpBB to WordPress. I have suceeded up to the point of translating the bbcode into html.

The BBCode is complicated by an alphanumeric string that is injected into each tag.

A common post will contain text like so...

[url=url] Click here [/url:583ow9wo]

[b:583ow9wo] BOLD [/b:583ow9wo]

[img:583ow9wo] jpg [/img:583ow9wo]

I am inexperienced with Regular Expressions but believe this may be a way out, as I found some help from the following post (use regex [/?b:\d{5}] ) but the regex in this instance will only remove the numeric characters from this example.

Any help appreciated.


  • Something like this will work for tags that have no attributes:

    \[               -- matches literal "[" 
      (b|i|u)        -- matches b, i, or u, captures as backreference 1
      (:[a-z0-9]+)?  -- matches colon and then alphanumeric string, captures as backreference 2
                     -- the question mark allows the :string not to be present.
    \]               -- matches literal "]"
    (.*?)            -- matches anything*, as few times as required to finish the match, creates backreference 3.
    \[               -- matches literal "["
      \/             -- matches literal "/"
      \1             -- invokes backreference 1 to make sure the opening/closing tags match
      (?:\2)?        -- invokes backreference 2 to further make sure it's the same tag
    \]               -- matches literal "]"

    Matching a tag like url is easy enough

    With tags that have attributes, they do different things with their attributes, and so it's probably easier to handle a tag like URL seperately from a tag like IMG.

    \[                    -- matches literal "["
      (url)               -- matches literal "url", in parentheses so we can invoke backreference 1 later, easier for you to modify
      (?:                 -- ?: signifies a non-capturing group, so it creates a group without creating a backreference, or altering the backreference count.
        \s*=\s*           -- matches literal "=", padded by any amount of whitespace on either side
        (.*?)             -- matches any character, as few times as possible, to complete the match, creates backreference 2
      )                   -- closes the noncapturing group
      (:[a-z0-9]+)        -- matches the alphanumeric string as backreference 3.
    \]                    -- matches literal "]"
    (.*?)                 -- matches any character as few times as possible to complete the match, backreference 4
    \[                    -- matches literal "["
      \/                  -- matches literal "/"
      \1                  -- invokes backreference 1
      (?:\3)?             -- invokes backreference 3
    \]                    -- matches literal "["

    For your replacing, the contents of the tags are in backreferences themselves so you can do something like this for the b/i/u tags.


    For the url tag, it's something like this

    <A href="\2">\4</A>

    I say that the dot/period matches any character in multiple places. It matches any character except newline. You can turn the newline modifier in your regex on by using the "dotall" modifier s like this
