I'm trying to implement blueimp jquery uploader. I want it to upload directly to S3 (without PHP script in the middle). I found an example here and followed the steps and it worked (partially). But I could not find anything good for muti-file upload.
What I want to do is to have multiple file uploader with a UI feedback just like in this example.
Does anybody have an example to follow for this scenario?
Thanks for your help.
I couldn't get blueimp to perfectly upload to s3, it would still take advantage of my servers tmp folder.
I ended up switching over to plupload which does upload directly to s3, and has a built in UI ( I just created my own to match the rest of my site).
I'm not using the multiple file feature but you could do something like
foreach file you are uploading:
var multipart_params = {
'key': config['key'],
'Filename': config['key'],
'acl': 'public-read',
'Content-Type': '',
'AWSAccessKeyId': config['awskey'],
'policy': config['policy'],
'signature': config['signature']
up.settings.multipart_params = multipart_params;
Hope that helps :)