Just trying to figure out how to parse information from already parsed information.
foreach (HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div [@class=\"result-link\"]"))
if (node == null)
//string h_url = node.Attributes["a"].Value;
So you can kind fo see what I am trying to do with the 'string h_url' declaration. Within the "result-link" div class there's an a href attribute that I am trying to grab the href value. So the link basically.
Can't seem to figure it out. I have tried using the Attributes array:
string h_url = node.Attributes["//a[@href].Value;
With no luck.
You can use XPath to select elements relative to the current node:
HtmlNodeCollection nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='result-link']");
if (nodes != null)
foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes)
HtmlNode a = node.SelectSingleNode("a[@href]");
if (a != null)
// use a.Attributes["href"];
// etc...