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Excel manipulation from C# - Set ActiveCell?

What is the C# equilivant to this VB6 to setting of the active cell?



  • Here's a sample piece of code:

            Excel.Worksheet sht = (Excel.Worksheet)ActiveSheet;
            sht.Cells[3, 3] = "HELLO";

    You can also capture ranges:

            Excel.Range rng = (Excel.Range)sht.Cells[3, 3];

    I believe to you just the Select method as before to select a range, although I haven't tested this.


    You can obviously streamline this and chain these statements together, with the right casting. I don't want to hazard a guess here as I've not got a VSTO project open in from of me.


    You should also be able to get a range from the sheet using get_Range:

            rng = sht.get_Range("A1", Type.Missing);

    VSTO tends to return Objects most of the time, necessitating casts, but get_Range is an exception. Someone might be able to correct me as I am not a big user of VSTO (still VBA die-hard when it comes to Excel).