I've a list of objects on which I need to perform a Distinct() function. Currently I use the following code.
Return choices = displaylist
.Select(Function(x) x.Zone)
The above code works well for me. However I need to expand this code into something that allows me to provide any property name and return me the distinct values of the list. My custom object has 20+ properties e.g. Zone, Region, Department, etc.
I need to make a flexible function that I give any property name and it returns distinct. Something like this pseudo:
Function GetDistincts(PROPERTYNAME as string)
Return choices = displaylist
.Select(Function(x) x.[PROPERTYNAME])
End Function
I believe this is job for Linq Expressions. But I'm no good at it. So need assistance here.
You can use the power of the extension methods and the Generic Types to write a generic extension method to obtain distinct result of every List(Of T):
Dim objects = New List(Of TestObject)()
objects.Add(New TestObject(1, "Test1"))
objects.Add(New TestObject(1, "Test2"))
objects.Add(New TestObject(1, "Test3"))
objects.Add(New TestObject(2, "Test4"))
objects.Add(New TestObject(2, "Test5"))
objects.Add(New TestObject(2, "Test6"))
Dim t As List(Of Integer) = objects.GetDistict(Of Integer, TestObject)("Zone")
Public Class TestObject
Public Property Zone As Integer
Public Property Address As String
Public Sub New(z As Integer, a As String)
Zone = z
Address = a
End Sub
End Class
Public NotInheritable Class DistinctExtension
Private Sub New()
End Sub
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension> _
Public Shared Function GetDistict(Of T, S)(source As List(Of S), name As String) As List(Of T)
Return source.[Select](Function(x) DirectCast(x.[GetType]().GetProperty(name).GetValue(x), T)).Distinct().ToList()
End Function
End Class
var objects = new List<TestObject>();
objects.Add(new TestObject(1,"Test1"));
objects.Add(new TestObject(1,"Test2"));
objects.Add(new TestObject(1,"Test3"));
objects.Add(new TestObject(2,"Test4"));
objects.Add(new TestObject(2,"Test5"));
objects.Add(new TestObject(2,"Test6"));
List<int> t = objects.GetDistict<int, TestObject>("Zone");
public static class DistinctExtension
public static List<T> GetDistict<T,S>(this List<S> source, string name)
return source.Select(x => (T)x.GetType().GetProperty(name).GetValue(x)).Distinct().ToList();
public class TestObject
public int Zone { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public TestObject(int zone, string address)
Zone = zone;
Address = address;