I want to use shift-tab
for auto completion and shifting code blocks visually. I have been referring to Make_Shift-Tab_work . That link talks about mapping ^[[Z
to shift-tab
. But i don't get ^[[Z
when i press shift-tab
. i just get a normal tab
in that case.
It then talks about using xmodmap -pke | grep 'Tab'
to map tab keys. According to that the output should be
keycode 23 = Tab
keycode 23 = Tab ISO_Left_Tab
However i get
keycode 22 = Tab KP_Tab
if i use xmodmap -e 'keycode 22 = Tab ISO_Left_Tab'
and after that xmodmap -pke | grep 'Tab'
, I still get
keycode 22 = Tab KP_Tab
This means running xmodmap -e 'keycode 22 = Tab ISO_Left_Tab'
has no effect.
In the end the link mentions using xev
to see what X
recieves when i press shift-tab
. But i dont have xev
on my system.
Is there any other way i can capture shift-tab in vim
The link talks specifically about getting ^[[Z
when you press Ctrl+vShift+Tab in insert mode. If you leave off the Ctrl+v, then Vim will behave just as if you pressed Tab.
The easiest way to make Vim recognize <S-Tab>
, is to directly set the t_kB
option to the escape sequence your terminal sends, instead of messing with maps.
As a quick test, try this in a running Vim:
:set t_kB=Ctrl+vEsc[Z
:imap <S-Tab> foo
Now when you press Shift+Tab in insert mode, foo
should be inserted. If that worked, you can make the change permanent by adding the following to your vimrc.
exe 'set t_kB=' . nr2char(27) . '[Z'