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Use Github API with rest client to create a file

I'm trying to use the Github API to create a file in a repo.

This CURL command does exactly what I want to do:

curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: token <TOKEN>' -d '{"path": "test.txt", "message": "Test Commit", "committer": {"name": "Kevin Clark", "email": ""}, "content": "bXkgbmV3IGZpbGUgY29udGVudHM="}'

I need to do the same request but using rest_client in ruby, but this returns a 404:

require 'rest_client'

params = {
  :path => "test.txt",
  :message => "Test Commit",
  :committer => {
    :name => "Kevin Clark",
    :email => ""
  :content => "bXkgbmV3IGZpbGUgY29udGVudHM=",
  :access_token => <TOKEN>

RestClient.put "", :params => params

Github's documentation:


  • So I finally found the solution to my problem!

    I needed to create a json string instead of just passing the hash.

    RestClient.put "", :params => JSON.generate(params)