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Form.Release + NIL

if Form.Release is called after using the form, it will free all related memory but not set the form variable to nil.

if not assigned (Form1) then
    Application.CreateForm(Tform1, Form1);
      // Do something

To be able to call the same code again, Form1 would have to be set to nil at some point. From the description of Release I cannot do

Form1 := nil;

right after Release, because the Release procedure will return directly after being called and before the form is actually freed. I cannot detect when Form.Release is finished to set the form var to nil.

What is the best way to do this?


  • Put the line

      Form1 := nil;  

    just after the call to Release.

    Release is just posting a CM_RELEASE message to the Form which allows the Form to finish what's in its queue (event handlers) before handling the CM_RELEASE message which means normally just calling Free.
    So, after calling Release, you should not assume that the Form variable still points to a valid Form, thus putting nil into the variable.