I'm trying to compress an HTML code, but keep the style, script, pre and conditional IE untouched.
My problem is that I can't store the matches of function inside an array. I can succesfully replace the regex results, but the resulting array is empty $idarray
function html_compress($string){
//Substitute style, script and pre tag with unique id
global $idarray;
return '<!['.$id.']!>';
$search = array('/\>[^\S ]+/s','/[^\S ]+\</s','/(\s)+/s');
$replace = array('>','<','\\1');
$string = preg_replace($search, $replace, $string);
//Remove blank lines
$string=preg_replace("/(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\s\t]*[\r\n]+/", "\n", $string);
//Replace unique id with script, style, pre original tag
$string = str_replace($idarray[$i][0], $idarray[$i][1], $string);
Mage::log(print_r($idarray, true), null, 'idarray.log');
return $string;
Ok, at the beginning:
global $idarray;