This should so be so very, very simple, but I can't seem to find a straight-forward answer.
I have a drop-down list that I'm populating like this:
<select ng-model="SelectedItem.RegulationId" id="ddlRegulation" name="ddlRegulation" ng-options="reg.Id as reg.Title for reg in Regulations"></select>
Now, all I want to do, in the save() function I've set up (which has access to $scope, BTW), is simply display for the user the text of the option they chose.
Something like:
I just don't know enough about AngularJS to know where I should be looking for this property. I suppose I could just import the jQuery library and do it that way, but I suspect there's an easy way to do this with AngularJS that I just don't know about yet.
Use object as model, not id (And remove crap name and id):
<select ng-model="SelectedItem.Regulation" ng-options="reg as reg.Title for reg in Regulations"></select>