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Reddot cms IoRangeList inside IoRangePreExecute

Hi i don't have RedDot CMS and i want to know is it possible to use <!IoRangeList> inside <!IoRangePreExecute> also use ASP Classic to get sum of the elements inside for loop.

Or is the other way to do it

Here is my code

 Dim a(5), b, c
 <% d = 0 %>
   ' user range list as loop to get value from reddot
   a(<% d = d + 1 %>) = <%value%>
 <% For Each b in a
    c = c + Cint(b)

Im wondering is the correct way to do it


  • It would be easier to use the built in foreach loop tag, but yes you can do this that way(although the code in the rangelist isn't complete)