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Installing same project in different versions

I do have a windows application (ex: application v1) running in server which I created in Now I need to have the same project with different name like Application_test in the same server. I copied the same project with different name and different assembly name and tried to build and install, it shows an error saying the "Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/ Remove Programs on the control panel" How to install same project's different versions in the same server? Please help.


    1. Go to deployment project properties.
    2. In the property window change the value against the property name Version to new value (ex: from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1).
    3. It will prompt with a message box with this message It is recommended that the productCode be changed if you change the Version. Do you want to do this?. Click YES.
    4. Build it and try installing the new version. This will work.