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How to use different unauthorized url for different roles in apache shiro

I have been trying to assign different unauthorized url for different roles in url section of shiro.ini file for a web application but it seems I am not able to do it.Below is the code that I have tried.

shiro.ini file


    authc1 = org.apache.shiro.web.filter.authc.FormAuthenticationFilter
    authc2 = org.apache.shiro.web.filter.authc.FormAuthenticationFilter

    authc1.loginUrl = /login.xhtml
    authc2.loginUrl = /secLoginPage.xhtml 

    /login.xhtml = authc1
    /secLoginPage.xhtml  = authc2
    /testapp/** = authc1, roles[admin,unauthorizedUrl=/adminAuthPage.xhtml]
    /** = authc1
    /** = authc2

After login to the application its redirect to authorized page with error Error 401: SRVE0295E: Error reported: 401.

This error occurred after I added unauthorizedUrl=/adminAuthPage.xhtml. If there is any mistake in code please suggest.


  • What about you make a single unauthorized page that acts like a entry point now on his page redirect to required pages


    <shiro:hasRole name="admin">
        <c:redirect url="adminAuthPage.xhtml"/>
    <shiro:hasRole name="user">
        <c:redirect url="abortPage.xhtml"/>

    Or better if you just want admin has another page then

     <shiro:hasRole name="admin">
            <c:redirect url="adminAuthPage.xhtml"/>
    <shiro:lacksRole name="admin">
        <c:redirect url="abortPage.xhtml"/>