I am trying to create an R code that puts another loop inside of the one I've already created. Here is my code:
t <- rep(1,1000)
omega <- seq(from=1,to=12,by=1)
for(i in 1:1000){
omega <- setdiff(omega,sample(1:12,1))
t[i] <- length(omega)
remove <- 0
f <- length(t [! t %in% remove]) + 1
When I run this code, I get a number a trials it takes f to reach the zero vector, but I want to do 10000 iterations of this experiment.
is probably how you want to run the outer loop. There's also no need for the f
assignment to be inside the loop. Here I've moved it outside and converted it to simply count of the elements of t
that are greater than 0, plus 1.
result <- replicate(10000, {
t <- rep(1, 1000)
omega <- 1:12
for(i in seq_along(t)) {
omega <- setdiff(omega,sample(1:12,1))
t[i] <- length(omega)
sum(t > 0) + 1
I suspect your code could be simplified in other ways as well, and also that you could just write down the distribution that you're looking for without simulation. I believe your variable of interest is just how long until you get at least one of each of the numbers 1:12, yes?