Good day ...
I have a Treeview, which possess several children:
----- Son 0
----- Son 1
---------- Recipe 1
-------------------- Value1
----------------------------- Olá1
----------------------------- Olá2
------------------------------------ Select Here
-------------------- Value2
---------- Revenue 2
----- Son 2
----- Son 3
Say, I click the son (SELECT HERE), how do I get the first child of the root node (Son 1) ... I have some code that takes the Root, but I would like to take the child of that root that was clicked :
p: = Form4.TreeView1.Selected.Parent;
while Assigned (p.Parent) of the Begin
p: = p.Parent;
Just use an additional variable to keep track of "previous node", when you reach the root then the previous one is one you need? Ie
Prev := nil;
p := Form4.TreeView1.Selected;
if(p <> nil)then begin
while Assigned(p.Parent) do begin
Prev := p;
p := p.Parent;
// Prev, if assigned, should be the node you need