I'm importing a CSV into a pandas data frame, and then I'm trying to create three new columns in that data frame from data retrieved from geopy.geocoders.GoogleV3()
import pandas from geopy.geocoders import GoogleV3
DATA = pandas.read_csv("file/to/csv")
geolocator = GoogleV3()
DATA.googleaddress, (DATA.latitude, DATA.longitude) = geolocator.geocode(DATA.address)
Problem is I keep getting this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Path/To/GeoCoder.py", line 9, in <module>
DATA.googleaddress, (DATA.latitude, DATA.longitude) = geolocator.geocode(DATA.address)
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
What does this error mean and how do I get around it?
Because geolocator.geocode
expects a single argument at a time, not a list (or array).
You could try:
locs = [ geolocator.geocode(addr) for addr in DATA.address ]
geo_info = pandas.DataFrame(
[ (addr.address, addr.latitude, addr.longitude) for addr in locs ],
columns=['googleaddress', 'latitude', 'longitude'])
All you would have to do is merge these DataFrames:
Nnote that it is considered bad form to have an all-uppercase variable in python.