I am comparing a value that the user entered into a DataGridView cell - which, coming from an Editing Control will be a string to start with - with a decimal value from the data source (defined as decimal(3,2)).
How can I evaluate a user-entered value of ".7", for example, to be equal to the database value of 0.70?
You can use the CDec
function to convert a string value to a decimal. e.g.
If CDec(".7") = 0.7 Then
' This will be true
End If
If you aren't sure that the value entered by the user will be a valid decimal, then you should use Decimal.TryParse
Dim value As Decimal = 0
If Decimal.TryParse(".7", value) Then
If value = 0.7 Then
' This will be true
End If
End If