As far as I understand CompiledMethod is a class holding the compiled form of a method. An instance of this class is created each time a method is compiled. This instance is saved in the class to which the method belongs.
My question is if I have a the name of the method, how can I get that instance that holds the compile form of a method in order to run that method with valueWithReceiver: ?
is it by using compiledMethodAt: selector ?
I think that we need more context here.
Because using the reflection mechanisms you can even do something like:
CompiledMethod allInstances select: [ :m | m selector = #asString ]
And this will give you all methods with a selector asString
. But this action is very strange.
You can also use #detect:
instead of #select:
to find a single method.
If you need to evaluate all found methods, you can use:
CompiledMethod allInstances
select: [ :m | m selector = #asString ]
thenDo: [ :m | m valueWithReceiver: aReceiver ]
Also if you are interested in a methods for one hierarchy, you can do
YourClass withAllSubclassesDo: [ :class |
compiledMethodAt: #selector
ifPresent: [ :method | method valueWithReceiver: aReceiver ]
ifAbsent: [ "do nothing" ]