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Slide android fragment using other view

i have 2 fragments, and I need to scroll this fragments up and down by selecting and dragging some small view(not selecting any place in fragment, only if I drag this veiw). Similary, i have an OverScroll on first fragment, which scrolls photos with animation. I tried using VerticalViewPager for it, but it unsuitable for this task, because it conflicts with overscroll.


  • Use the VerticalViewPager, but override onInterceptTouchEvent and define a "hotspot" that will trigger the fragment flip. As an example to get you started, I've overridden onInterceptTouchEventin a custom ViewPager such that edge swipes still "flip" the fragments (horizontally, in my case), but that interior swipes still get passed onto the ViewFlipper views inside the fragments

    public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
                int screenW = getWidth();
                int screenH = getHeight();
                int screenWReducer = Math.round(screenW*0.5f);
                Rect rect = new Rect(
                        0 + screenWReducer,
                        screenW - screenWReducer,
                if (rect.contains((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY())) {
                    return false;//Don't intercept. Left ViewFlippers get touch.
                return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(event); //Edges still allow page swiping.