Search code examples

"Mantle" Parsing Dictionary with unknown keys

I'm using Mantle Framework for a will now, and its simple and easy. But I'm currently facing a issue when I get a dictionary of dictionary, I'm not managing to parse them correctly.

For example :

    LSE =     {
        name = LSE;
        "stock_group_policies" =         {
            SET0 =             {
                definition =                 (
                        high = "0.9999";
                        low = 0;
                        tick = "0.0001";
                        high = "4.9995";
                        low = 1;
                        tick = "0.0005";
                        high = "9.999";
                        low = 5;
                        tick = "0.001";
                        high = "49.995";
                        low = 10;
                        tick = "0.005";
                        high = "99.99";
                        low = 50;
                        tick = "0.01";
                        high = "499.95";
                        low = 100;
                        tick = "0.05";
                        high = "999.9";
                        low = 500;
                        tick = "0.1";
                        high = "4999.5";
                        low = 1000;
                        tick = "0.5";
                        high = 9999;
                        low = 5000;
                        tick = 1;
                        high = "";
                        low = 10000;
                        tick = 5;
                name = SET0;
                type = increments;
            SET1 =             {
                definition =                 (
                        high = "0.4999";
                        low = 0;
                        tick = "0.0001";
                        high = "0.9995";
                        low = "0.5";
                        tick = "0.0005";
                        high = "4.999";
                        low = 1;
                        tick = "0.001";
                        high = "9.995";
                        low = 5;
                        tick = "0.005";
                        high = "49.99";
                        low = 10;
                        tick = "0.01";
                        high = "99.95";
                        low = 50;
                        tick = "0.05";
                        high = "499.9";
                        low = 100;
                        tick = "0.1";
                        high = "999.5";
                        low = 500;
                        tick = "0.5";
                        high = 4999;
                        low = 1000;
                        tick = 1;
                        high = 9995;
                        low = 5000;
                        tick = 5;
                        high = "";
                        low = 10000;
                        tick = 10;
                name = SET1;
                type = increments;
    NASDAQ =     {
        name = NASDAQ;
        "stock_group_policies" =         {
    NYSE =     {
        name = NYSE;
        "stock_group_policies" =         {
    default =     {
        name = default;
        "stock_group_policies" =         {

I would like to end up with one dictionary, With a value of "exchanges" for every key : "SET0" "SET1" etc....

So I tried using this :

NSDictionary *exchanges = [MTLJSONAdapter modelOfClass:Exchange.class fromJSONDictionary:responseObject[@"exchanges"] error:&errorExchange];

But know luck there...


  • This is what i finally did

    + (NSDictionary *) parseDictionayOfDictionarysOfModels: (Class) modelsClass
                                               dictionaryRow: (NSDictionary *) dictionaryRow {
        __block NSMutableDictionary *returnDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:dictionaryRow.allKeys];
        [dictionaryRow enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, NSDictionary *dictionary, BOOL *stop) {
            NSError *error;
            MTLModel *model = [MTLJSONAdapter modelOfClass:modelsClass fromJSONDictionary:dictionary error:&error];
            returnDictionary[key] = model;
        return returnDictionary;