I tried to put labels but I am not able to locate the exact location of xAxis_categories realtive to graph. So if width is varied text gets disturbed and not remained aligned with categories http://jsfiddle.net/akataria/qx4snpvb/8/
startX = chart.xAxis[0].minPixelPadding + chart.xAxis[0].left ,
startY = chart.plotTop,
r.text('19% yoy increase ', startX , startY)
color: '#4572A7',
fontSize: '11px',
You can render the text once, then look at the bounding box of the Element to determine the width of the text, and then use this information to create a correctly positioned text by rendering it again.
For example:
var element = r.text('19% yoy increase ', 0 , 0)
fontSize: '11px'
var width = element.getBBox().width;
r.text('19% yoy increase ', data[0].plotX + chart.plotLeft - (width/2) , startY)
color: '#4572A7',
fontSize: '11px'
See this JSFiddle for a demonstration.