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Pandas: parse merged header columns from Excel

The data in excel sheets is stored as follows:

   Area     |          Product1     |      Product2        |      Product3
            |      sales|sales.Value|   sales |sales.Value |  sales |sales.Value
  Location1 |    20     | 20000     |      25 |  10000     |   200  | 100
  Location2 |    30     | 30000     |      3  | 12300      |   213  | 10

the product name is a merge of 2 cells of two rows "no of sales" and "sales value" for each of 1000 or so areas for a given month. Similarly there are separate files for each month for the last 5 years. Further, new products have been added and removed in different months. So a different month file might look like:

   Area     |          Product1     |      Product4        |      Product3

Can the forum suggest the best way to read this data using pandas? I can't use index since the product columns are different each month

Ideally, I would like to convert the initial format above to:

 Area      | Product1.sales|Product1.sales.Value| Product2.sales |Product2.sales.Value | 
 Location1 | 20            | 20000              | 25             | 10000               |  
 Location2 | 30            | 30000              | 3              | 12300               | 

import pandas as pd
xl_file = read_excel("file path", skiprow=2, sheetname=0)
/* since the first two rows are always blank */

                  0            1        2               3                      4
      0          NaN          NaN      NaN       Auto loan                    NaN
      1  Branch Code  Branch Name   Region  No of accounts  Portfolio Outstanding
      2         3000       Name1  Central               0                      0
      3         3001       Name2  Central               0                      0

I want to convert it to Auto loan.No of account, Auto loan.Portfolio Outstanding as the headers.


  • Suppose your DataFrame is df:

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    nan = np.nan
    df = pd.DataFrame([
        (nan, nan, nan, 'Auto loan', nan)
        , ('Branch Code', 'Branch Name', 'Region', 'No of accounts'
           , 'Portfolio Outstanding')
        , (3000, 'Name1', 'Central', 0, 0)
        , (3001, 'Name2', 'Central', 0, 0)

    so that it looks like this:

                 0            1        2               3                      4
    0          NaN          NaN      NaN       Auto loan                    NaN
    1  Branch Code  Branch Name   Region  No of accounts  Portfolio Outstanding
    2         3000       Name1  Central               0                      0
    3         3001       Name2  Central               0                      0

    Then first forward fill the NaNs in the first two rows (thus propagating 'Auto loan', for example).

    df.iloc[0:2] = df.iloc[0:2].fillna(method='ffill', axis=1)

    Next fill in the remaining NaNs with empty strings:

    df.iloc[0:2] = df.iloc[0:2].fillna('')

    Now join the two rows together with . and assign that as the column level values:

    df.columns = df.iloc[0:2].apply(lambda x: '.'.join([y for y in x if y]), axis=0)

    And finally, remove the first two rows:

    df = df.iloc[2:]

    This yields

      Branch Code Branch Name   Region Auto loan.No of accounts  \
    2        3000      Name1  Central                        0   
    3        3001      Name2  Central                        0   
      Auto loan.Portfolio Outstanding  
    2                               0  
    3                               0  

    Alternatively, you could create a MultiIndex column instead of creating a flat column index:

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    nan = np.nan
    df = pd.DataFrame([
        (nan, nan, nan, 'Auto loan', nan)
        , ('Branch Code', 'Branch Name', 'Region', 'No of accounts'
           , 'Portfolio Outstanding')
        , (3000, 'Name1', 'Central', 0, 0)
        , (3001, 'Name2', 'Central', 0, 0)
    df.iloc[0:2] = df.iloc[0:2].fillna(method='ffill', axis=1)
    df.iloc[0:2] = df.iloc[0:2].fillna('Area')
    df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
    df = df.iloc[2:]

    Now df looks like this:

             Area                           Auto loan                      
      Branch Code Branch Name   Region No of accounts Portfolio Outstanding
    2        3000      Name1  Central              0                     0
    3        3001      Name2  Central              0                     0

    the column is a MultiIndex:

    In [275]: df.columns
    MultiIndex(levels=[[u'Area', u'Auto loan'], [u'Branch Code', u'Branch Name', u'No of accounts', u'Portfolio Outstanding', u'Region']],
               labels=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 4, 2, 3]])

    The column has two levels. The first level has values [u'Area', u'Auto loan'], the second has values [u'Branch Code', u'Branch Name', u'No of accounts', u'Portfolio Outstanding', u'Region'].

    You can then access a column by specifing the value from both levels:

    print(df.loc[:, ('Area', 'Branch Name')])
    # 2    Name1
    # 3    Name2
    # Name: (Area, Branch Name), dtype: object
    print(df.loc[:, ('Auto loan', 'No of accounts')])
    # 2    0
    # 3    0
    # Name: (Auto loan, No of accounts), dtype: object

    One advantage of using a MultiIndex is that you can easily select all columns which have a certain level value. For instance, to select the sub-DataFrame having to do with Auto loans you could use:

    In [279]: df.loc[:, 'Auto loan']
      No of accounts Portfolio Outstanding
    2              0                     0
    3              0                     0

    For more on selecting rows and columns from a MultiIndex, see MultiIndexing Using Slicers.