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Reference Google Spreadsheet (CSV) in Jekyll Data

I am managing a website displaying a lot of tabular data (language stuff) and running on Jekyll. I really like to display content based on a CSV file stored in the _data folder of Jekyll.

I would like to be able to edit / add / remove content from this CSV directly on Google and then reference it to Jekyll (like a shortcut or something that sync the CSV content from Google to my static folder).

Which way would be the simplest to reference an external file (either in the _data folder or directly in my templace). I can find the CSV file with this kind of link but downloading it every time is a hassle (

How can Jekyll understand data from external stored file (maybe in javascript ?).

Thank you.


  • Getting datas from google docs is becoming harder ;-(

    I've tried with jquery.ajax but I met the CORS limitation.

    Then I found tabletop and it works !

    • go to your google spreadsheet and File > Publish to the web > Start publishing
    • note the publish url
    • download tabletop script and save it to eg: js/tabletop.js
    • put a link at the bottom of your _includes/header.html eg

      <script src="`{{ site.baseurl }}`/js/tabletop.js"></script>
    • in a data.html page put

      title: csv to json
      layout: page
      <div id="csvDatas"></div>
    • you can now get your datas with a js/script.js file that you've also included at the very end of you _includes/footer.html

      var csvParse = function() {
          // put you document url here
          var sharedDocUrl = ''
          // can also be only the ID
          // var sharedDocUrl = '1Rk9RMD6mcH-jPA321lFTKmZsHebIkeHx0tTU0TWQYE8'
          var targetDiv = 'csvDatas';
          // holds datas at a closure level
          // this then can be accessed by closure's functions
          var dataObj;
          function showInfo(data, tabletop) {
              dataObj    = data;
              var table  = generateTable();
              var target = document.getElementById(targetDiv);
          function generateTable(){
              var table = document.createElement("table");
              var head  = generateTableHeader();
              var body  = generateTableBody();
              return table;
          function generateTableHeader(){
              var d         = dataObj[0];
              var tHead     = document.createElement("thead");
              var colHeader = [];
              $.each(d, function( index, value){
                  console.log(index + ' : ' + value);
              var row = generateRow(colHeader, 'th');
              return tHead;
          // this can be factorized with generateTableHeader
          function generateTableBody(){
              var tBody = document.createElement("tbody");
              $.each(dataObj, function( index, value ){
                  var rowVals = [];
                  $.each(value, function(colnum, colval){
                  var row = generateRow(rowVals);
              return tBody;
          function generateRow(headersArray, cellTag){
              cellTag = typeof cellTag !== 'undefined' ? cellTag : 'td';
              var row = document.createElement("tr");
              $.each(headersArray, function( index, value){
                  if( value != "rowNumber"){
                      var cell     = document.createElement(cellTag);
                      var cellText = document.createTextNode(value);
              return row;
          return {
              init: function() {
                  if( $('#' + targetDiv).length ){
                      Tabletop.init( { key: sharedDocUrl  ,
                               callback: showInfo,
                               simpleSheet: true } );
                      console.log('Not the good page to parse csv datas');
      $( document ).ready(function() {