I found a lot of questions about partial API response with FOSRest and all the answers are based on the JMS serializer options (exlude, include, groups, etc). It works fine but I try to achieve something less "static".
Let's say I have a user with the following attributes: id
I retrieve this user with the endpoint GET /users/{id}
and the following method:
* @View
* GET /users/{id}
* @param integer $user (uses ParamConverter)
public function getUserAction(User $user) {
return $user;
The method returns the user with all his attributes.
Now I want to allow something like that: GET /users/{id}?attributes=id,username,sex
Did I missed a functionality of FOSRestBUndle, JMSserializer or SensioFrameworkExtraBundle to achieve it automatically? An annotation, a method, a keyword in the request or something else?
Otherwise, what is the best way to achieve it?
I thought to do something like that:
* @View
* @QueryParam(name="attributes")
* GET /users/{id}
* @param integer $user (uses ParamConverter)
public function getUserAction(User $user, $attributes) {
$groups = $attributes ? explode(",", $attributes) : array("Default");
$view = $this->view($user, 200)
return $this->handleView($view);
And create a group for each attribute:
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;
class User {
/** @Groups({"id"}) */
protected $id;
/** @Groups({"username"}) */
protected $username;
/** @Groups({"firstname"}) */
protected $firstname;
You can do it like that through groups, as you've shown. Maybe a bit more elegant solution would be to implement your own ExclusionStrategy. @Groups and other are implementations of ExclusionStrategyInterface too.
So, say you called your strategy SelectFieldsStrategy. Once you implement it, you can add it to your serialization context very easy:
$context = new SerializationContext();
$context->addExclusionStrategy(new SelectFieldsStrategy(['id', 'name', 'someotherfield']));