I have task crate tracer which will store raw HTTP traffic with headers and body between localhost and SOAP API. I found that good solution for that is FiddlerCore. Application work only with HTTPS. Currently I got only my request. But want to see response from SOAP API.
I initialize FolderCore proxy when application start:
CONFIG.bCaptureCONNECT = true;
CONFIG.IgnoreServerCertErrors = false;
FiddlerApplication.Prefs.SetStringPref("fiddler.config.path.makecert", @"c:\Program Files (x86)\Fiddler2\Makecert.exe");
FiddlerApplication.AfterSessionComplete += FiddlerApplication_AfterSessionComplete;
if (!CertMaker.rootCertExists())
if (!CertMaker.createRootCert())
throw new Exception("Unable to create cert for FiddlerCore.");
X509Store certStore = new X509Store(StoreName.Root, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
Method AfterSessionComplete:
private void FiddlerApplication_AfterSessionComplete(Session sess)
// Ignore HTTPS connect requests
if (sess.RequestMethod == "CONNECT")
if (sess == null || sess.oRequest == null || sess.oRequest.headers == null)
// Request
string headers = sess.oRequest.headers.ToString();
var reqBody = sess.GetRequestBodyAsString();
// Response
var resHeaders = sess.oResponse.headers.ToString();
var resBody = sess.GetResponseBodyAsString();
// if you wanted to capture the response
//string respHeaders = session.oResponse.headers.ToString();
//var respBody = session.GetResponseBodyAsString();
// replace the HTTP line to inject full URL
string firstLine = sess.RequestMethod + " " + sess.fullUrl + " " + sess.oRequest.headers.HTTPVersion;
int at = headers.IndexOf("\r\n");
if (at < 0)
headers = firstLine + "\r\n" + headers.Substring(at + 1);
string output = headers + "\r\n" +
(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reqBody) ? reqBody + "\r\n" : string.Empty) + "\r\n\r\n";
In web.config added:
<proxy autoDetect="false" bypassonlocal="false" proxyaddress="" usesystemdefault="false" />
Is was super easy. Used sess.oResponse.headers and sess.GetResponseBodyAsString() for this
var resHeaders = sess.oResponse.headers.ToString();
var resBody = sess.GetResponseBodyAsString();