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Update the table name at runtime not working - laravel Eloquent ORM

This is my model:

class Product extends \GlobalModel {
    protected $table = 'product';

I want to update the table name oops_product instead product at runtime.

I found getTable(); to get the table name from model and its working fine:

$tableName = with(new Product)->getTable();

But when i set the table name using setTable(); as per GitHub solution, its not updating the table name.

with(new Product)->setTable("oops_produdct");

Is there anything wrong?

Help will be appreciated.


$product = new Product(); 
$product->getTable(); // output: product 
$product->getTable(); // output: oops_product 

now when i run this


it executes

"select * from product" 

instead of

"select * from oops_product"


  • all() is a static method that uses brand new instance and calls get() on it.

    So all you need is using proper method:

    $product = new Product;
    $product->getTable(); // products
    $product->get(); // select * from oooops
    $product->first(); // select * from oooops limit 1

    Just avoid using static Eloquent methods, since they obviously create new instance, that will have default table property.